“With Polarity Intelligence, authors Christopherson and Troseth provide a road back to both/and discourse for leadership and so much more to offer up what might just be an antidote to our divisive times.”
Mark Goulston, MD
Author of Just Listen
“What this groundbreaking work has taught us is that these principles are effective no matter what type of business it is.”
Daron Gunst- Regional Vice President- Wrench Group
The Missing Logic in Leadership
This book from Dr. Tracy Christopherson and Michelle Troseth is a
beginners guide to an essential competency for every leader.
Access Free Resources
Buy the book from your favorite bookseller, then go to https://www.trainingmissinglogic.com/pi_resources to receive the following free resources…
Practicing Meaningful Dialogue to Explore Polarities (Chapter 5)
A tool designed to help you practice meaningful dialogue principles to invite dialogue to explore polarities with specific examples.
Meaningful Dialogue Introspection Tool and Worksheet (Chapter 6)
A tool and worksheet to remind you of the principles of meaningful dialogue and to document your thinking during a conversation, listening to another person/speaker, in meetings, etc. Helpful to uncover why you think what you do and to uncover polarities that may be in play.
Polarity Introspection Tool and Worksheet (Chapter 6)
A worksheet designed to help build your muscle on identifying polarities in everyday conversations, reflections, meetings, etc. It takes practice to build a strong polarity mindset.
Healthy Relationships Partnership Agreement Tool (Chapter 6)
This powerful worksheet is designed to be used during an interactive discussion where each person addresses each question as they begin to build the foundation of a healthy relationship. Also encouraged to revisit with each other over time as needed.
Polarity Intelligence Principles (Addendum)
Keeping the Principles of Polarity Intelligence in front of you will help you to become a Polarity Intelligent Leader faster. These are timeless and universal principles to apply in your professional and personal lives. Print and keep them in front of you!
Polarity Map (Addendum)
A blank copy of the Polarity Map® that you can print and keep handy when you want to map out a polarity for yourself or with others. Refer to Chapter 3 for instructions on how to map a polarity.
Personal Polarity Monitoring System Resource (Chapter 7)
A reflection tool designed to aid you in assessing how well you are leveraging your personal polarities and how satisfied you are with the outcomes you are achieving.
Definitions of Polarity Intelligence (Addendum)
Added so you can print and refer to the definition of Polarity Intelligence and the components of Polarity Mindset, Healthy Relationships and Meaningful Dialogue in one place. Reminder that it is the combination of all three of these that comprise the ability for you to become Polarity Intelligent.
10 Things This Book Will Teach You
Why problem-solving is a leaders Achilles’ Heel
Why you experience the same challenges over and over
How to differentiate between a problem and polarity
A common language to describe your experience of polarities and tools for using a both/and mindset
The difference Polarity Intelligence makes as a leadership tool
How all polarities work
How to leverage healthy relationships when exploring a polarity
How polarities show up in your environments
The role of meaningful dialogue to examine competing or contradictory perspectives
The benefits of being Polarity Intelligent
Praise for Polarity Intelligence
Order Your Copy of Polarity Intelligence
More About The Book
Creating a healthy and healing environment is central to a leader’s success in all areas of life. But how do you overcome conflict, diverse perspectives, and persistent problems to create such a place? After decades as trusted workplace leaders and organizational coaches, Dr. Tracy Christopherson and Michelle Troseth believe that the missing logic in leadership is a skill called Polarity Intelligence. Polarity Intelligence allows you to look at the world through a both/and lens (finding polarities that need to be leveraged) rather than through an either/or lens (seeing obstacles as problems to be solved).
As a polarity intelligent leader, you will be able to uncover the deeply held beliefs, values, and biases that are inhibiting your, your team, and your organization’s growth. Applying these insights and a both/and mindset will help speed up change at your organization and allow you to create long-term success.
More About The Authors
Dr. Tracy Christopherson and Michelle Troseth are co-founders of MissingLogic®. They help leaders overcome leadership norms that cause suffering, so they can achieve work life balance, and create healthy work cultures and environments leveraging Polarity Intelligence™.
Tracy and Michelle are the co-hosts of The TRU Leader Podcast. They are the creators of The Dynamic Balance Effect® Framework and the founders of The Thriving Resilient Unstoppable (TRU) Leader Mentorship Program. This dynamic duo is known for helping leaders balance leading and living so they can be TRU leaders—thriving, resilient, and unstoppable.